Saturday, 23 May 2009

The long and winding Road


Big Airsy said...

Hi, I was a resident in the school from 1980-82 and hoped you could provide me with any links, info etc about the old place. I was a little saddened to hear that it had been knocked down as I spent 2 years of my youth there,

Big Airsy said...

I forgot to mention my contact details for anyone who was here in the early 80s. My name is Gary Ayre and I can be reached at

Unknown said...

Hello Gary Ayer my name Stephen Shannon. I was in Wellesley in 1982 Nelson house. It was a. Really bad place then staff beating all the time

Anonymous said...

i was there about 1978 the place was brutel i seen so much vilence in the boot room an d in the dooms at night 1 night watchman to over look the hole place what a joke iam gald its not in use any more to hell with the place therewas 1 woman staff there at that time in a shcool of all boys may i say no more very sad thinking back now

Big Airsy said...

Bollocks- you must have been little Freddy no mates who wouldn’t join in any of the awesome activities… ya would pay a fortune to book up for a week or two - mountain climbing, orienteering, abseiling, shark, sea & course fishing, boat maintenance & using a boat, sea & fresh water canoeing, horticulture, engineering, painting and let’s never forget good old MR FLUKES parade square marching…I would pay to WILLINGLY spend time doing Wellesley stuff…. I made some LIFETIME RELIABLE & TRUSTWORTHY friends in there too… feck sake sitting here bad side of 55 I would give anything to be that young again… what a miserable twisty hit the guy who wrote post above me is…
If ya out there HELLLLOOOOO LADS!!!

Bobby Thompson said...

Wellesley built men you went in a boy and came out a tough resoceful young man that's the trouble with kids these days yes they play murder in n the dark in the gym at night but on a Xbox or shit wished I could do it all again and again made me who I am today thanks to
Brian fluke god bless him tough as old boots knew his stuff but more to the point cared (in his own way ) I was there 92-96 and honestly wouldn't mind going going back to my youth wish I'd stuck in at Ozzy tucks woodwork class or even colen leeche or Brian days shit wonder what happened to the old staff a lot of them I couldn't put a name to anyone remember them Linder mason Alan Johnston batny (karate ) young Jimmy fk worksley Ian Woodhouse any one else yes Ian heppel John Smith a lot of these ppl will probably be long departed from this earth anyone who remembers me little bobby Thompson shout me out good times for a boy who was abandoned by my family ended up there it may have took me a long time to realise what

Nothing is ever to late

Nothing is ever to late, after the recent allegation's  made about politicians, football coaches and the likes of Jimmy Saville etc. ...